Exhibition / Art Direction, Product and Interior Design

CUT COPY PASTE: an installation event at Cantiere Galli Design in Rome.



“Incontro” is a format created by Cantiere Galli Design with the aim of opening a space of collaboration and dialogue between the worlds of design and hospitality.⁠ Designers and brands in fact are tasked with crafting unique furnishings for situations in need, with a primary focus on hospitality. The furnitures are donated to the Community of Sant’Egidio, supporting the “Viva gli Anziani” program in Trastevere, Rome

This year our studio designed a site specific project for the Cantiere Galli Design headquarters collaborating with HD Surfaces a brand that deals with continuous surfaces for the architecture and design.

We have chosen a lightweight setup, utilizing easily reusable structures and zero-waste materials. This approach created an ephemeral architectural space, designed to last just for the duration of the event.⁠



The “incontro” (which in English is “meeting, encounter”) is the time and place that is shared. We meet if we are in the same place, if we are sharing an idea, or if, coming from different directions, we are heading towards the same geometric point.

In CUT COPY PASTE the space is defined by vertical elements which, in a random and rarefied form, design an unfinished architectural environment. Galvanized metal frames commonly used for wall construction are partially covered with translucent paper (it's a Golden Star K by Fedrigoni Papers) traditionally used for the technical drawing of architectural and design projects. In this case, the material on which the design is imprinted corresponds to the material of which the construction is made.

The light, thanks to the rigorous aesthetics and the geometric layout of the lighting fixtures (three “bacchetta magica” by Viabizzuno) does not have the function of decorating the space but of designing its volume, focusing attention on the dimension of the meeting.

In the middle of the space there are three rectangular tables finished by HD Surfaces. Each of them is in turn composed of two dining tables of different colors which are inserted into a single table block with the cut+copy+paste technique.

Some of our conceptual references:

- Cadavre Exquis, the surrealist game centered on the poetic hybrid(1925)
- Heraclitus and his panta rei, everything flows (circa 500 a.C.)
- David Bowie and the Cut-up writing method with the invention of Verbasizer(1970)
- “Liquid Modernity” by Zygmunt Bauman and the liminal, intermediate, transitory and unfinished zone(2000)
- “The Barbarians: An Essay On the Mutation of Culture” by Alessandro Baricco (2006)
- Guy Debord  “In any case, most films deserve to be recut to compose other works” (about 1967)



Each table is in turn composed of two tables of different colors which are inserted into a single block with the cut+copy+paste technique. The two elements that make up each hybrid table have an archetypal aesthetic with the same shape and proportions: they are rectangular, with constant thickness and with four legs placed under the edges of the top. The composite dining tables evoke a transition by describing hybridization in progress.

Color palette is created with the cut-up technique: a free association of colors which individually have a specific meaning but which, in the final combination, speak a hybrid language that can be freely interpreted.

Some of our archetypal reference tables:

- Quaderna by Superstudio, Zanotta 1969
- Eros by Angelo Mangiarotti, (Skipper) Agapecasa 1970
- Aalto table by Alvar Aalto, Artek 1935
- Less by Jean Nouvel, Unifor 1994
- Robin by Bruno Fattorini and Robin Rizzini,( Metrica) MDF Italia 2012


/ ’nɛs:i / Naessi / ¹ Cut Copy Paste / ² Cantiere Galli Design / ² HD Surfaces / ³ Exhibition Design / ⁴ table / ⁴ continuous covering / ⁵ Lorenzo Catena / ⁶ Viabizzuno / ⁶ Fedrigoni / ⁶ Mint List / ⁷ set design / ⁹ Cantiere Galli Design Roma /

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