Education / Workshop

IED Factory 2022. I Miss You: between presence and absence.


I miss you (in Italian: "Mi manchi"). We are used to express in these words the painful feeling of emptiness that occurs due to a loss.

Every day we create content that fills gaps: we take photos that we publish on social networks, we fill our homes with furniture and objects, we flood the chats with written and spoken words, we occupy our time with thoughts and actions. We tend to saturate the space because we attribute a negative meaning to absence, silence and emptiness. We are in difficulty when faced with a whole element from which a part has been subtracted, we feel a form of horror vacui that leads us to eliminate the unknowns.


But if for a moment, we try to experience the void as an open creative content to take on new meanings and imagine it, therefore, as a physical and mental place free to be interpreted? Or rather: if we created that vacuum with a voluntary action of censorship?


We opened a conversation with the students of the IED Factory on the antithetical and reciprocal relationship between fullness and emptiness, between what I choose to show and what I hide, a dialectical relationship between presence and absence. We are used to observing layered contents, the result of numerous overlaps, a bit like Rome, the city we live in, made up of superfetations and layers. We invited the students to build an idea and then proceed by subtraction until the content created was modified, altering its meaning and suggesting a new narrative to the interlocutors and to themselves.

A collective project made up of multidisciplinary and non-univocal visions: a mosaic of open messages, incomplete information, new interpretations of meaning.

 An analogue output but obtained with different communication tools. A series of posters or posters made with different techniques that have composed a collective action on printed paper: a proposal for contemporary visual communication that can be reproduced on a physical medium that, by vocation, expresses declarations of intent, ideas and feelings.


/ ’nɛs:i / Naessi / ¹ Manifesto Vuoto / ² IED / ² IED Factory / ³ workshop / ⁴ education / ⁵ Naessi Studio / ⁷ visual design / ⁷ analog output / ⁷ posters / ⁷ exhibition / ⁹ MAXXI Roma /

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